What is the best wordpress theme detector?
This can be regarded as a very popular question among a lot of internet users these days. Most of us might have a clear idea regarding these detectors. For those who don't know, these detectors enable the users to look under the hood of a WordPress site and thereafter determine the themes and plugins that sits underneath.Thus, wordpress theme detector can be regarded as very beneficial if you want to know in detail about the design of a WordPress site. As we all know, currently different theme detectors are available online for determining the theme of a WordPress site. But, it is highly recommended that before selecting a particular detector, the users should definitely do a proper research regarding the same. Here, we will be discussing in detail about some of the best detectors that are regarded as very useful for this particular purpose. So, without further delay, let's get into our discussion of this important topic.
What Theme, the best wordpress theme detector
It can be regarded as a great online tool for the purpose of detecting a WordPress site’s theme. In addition to that, it also shows various essential details regarding the theme such as its main URL, the author, what version and license it has, tags related to its purpose, and a description. Other than WordPress, this detector can also be used in the case of Drupal, Shopify, and many more. An interesting feature of this tool is that it recognizes custom and child themes very easily and thereafter delivers you the author or agency that built the theme. Another advantage of this tool is that it enables the users to find out whether a site uses WordPress or not.
Theme Detector
This tool can be regarded as the most minimalist of the tools that we will be discussing. This is because of the fact that it provides only the theme’s name and the direct link to the theme’s official page. In addition to that, it also gives the information regarding whether a website is using a custom theme or not. Unlike the previous detector, it doesn’t seem to detect child themes. But the theme detector does deliver the name of the parent theme.
What WordPress Theme Is That
This can also be regarded as a very good wordpress theme detector. It enables the users to detect what WordPress theme a certain site is using. In order to detect a theme, the users need to go to the tool’s page and then enter the URL of the site that they want to check in the search bar. The tool What WordPress Theme Is That will not only detect the main theme, but also the parent theme. In addition to that, this tool also goes beyond themes and presents the users with a list of plugins that are being used by that particular site. But the users should keep in mind that this tool is just for WordPress and hence they won’t be able to detect themes built for other platforms.
Thus, from our discussion of the topic, «wordpress theme detector», it can be concluded that these detectors are indeed very helpful and provide a number of vital details regarding the theme of a particular WordPress site. As we have already stated, there are a number of such detectors that are available online. Here, we have discussed three of them in detail. It is highly recommended that the users should go through these details properly before using a particular detector. Thus, this discussion can be regarded as very beneficial for all the users.
What Theme, the best wordpress theme detector
It can be regarded as a great online tool for the purpose of detecting a WordPress site’s theme. In addition to that, it also shows various essential details regarding the theme such as its main URL, the author, what version and license it has, tags related to its purpose, and a description. Other than WordPress, this detector can also be used in the case of Drupal, Shopify, and many more. An interesting feature of this tool is that it recognizes custom and child themes very easily and thereafter delivers you the author or agency that built the theme. Another advantage of this tool is that it enables the users to find out whether a site uses WordPress or not.
Theme Detector
This tool can be regarded as the most minimalist of the tools that we will be discussing. This is because of the fact that it provides only the theme’s name and the direct link to the theme’s official page. In addition to that, it also gives the information regarding whether a website is using a custom theme or not. Unlike the previous detector, it doesn’t seem to detect child themes. But the theme detector does deliver the name of the parent theme.
What WordPress Theme Is That
This can also be regarded as a very good wordpress theme detector. It enables the users to detect what WordPress theme a certain site is using. In order to detect a theme, the users need to go to the tool’s page and then enter the URL of the site that they want to check in the search bar. The tool What WordPress Theme Is That will not only detect the main theme, but also the parent theme. In addition to that, this tool also goes beyond themes and presents the users with a list of plugins that are being used by that particular site. But the users should keep in mind that this tool is just for WordPress and hence they won’t be able to detect themes built for other platforms.
Thus, from our discussion of the topic, «wordpress theme detector», it can be concluded that these detectors are indeed very helpful and provide a number of vital details regarding the theme of a particular WordPress site. As we have already stated, there are a number of such detectors that are available online. Here, we have discussed three of them in detail. It is highly recommended that the users should go through these details properly before using a particular detector. Thus, this discussion can be regarded as very beneficial for all the users.